Episode 82: 5 Essential Factors To Consider Before You Leave Your Job

Are you contemplating a job change? In this epsiode of the SLP Happy Hour Podcast, you'll answer 5 questions that will help you discover your next step.

Are you unhappy in your job this year? Feeling a bit more stressed than usual? Considering making a change in the future? In this episode, the cohosts share 5 factors to consider first, which will get you more clarity and more motion - whatever you decide to do next.

Also in this episode, Sarie shares about GoGo Speech and their green screen activities.

Sarah asks - is your check engine light on? And references this podcast episode.

5 Things To Consider Before You Leave Your Job

  1. You rely on your own income and aren’t sure what to do next.

  2. You haven’t tried to make your current job work by asking for support and adding to your structure (i.e. scheduling out your day/week ahead of time and letting the rest wait).

  3. You once enjoyed your job, and you aren’t sure what has changed (take time to figure out what has changed and if you can reduce, leave undone or shift that).

  4. You are experiencing stress at both work and home and need time to process and disentangle the two (take some time to write down what feels good and what feels not so good and separate that out). Sometimes our job is the scapegoat when we don’t feel good for a problem that isn’t work related. Consider making a bulleted list of an average day and label each item with positive/enriching, neutral, draining, or both.

  5. The changes in your job are temporary - when did you start to feel like this? Is this about a coworker you are working with temporarily? Is it about a family that is aging out of your services? Is it a time of year where you have a lot of evaluations and things will calm down soon?

If you are feeling miserable, please seek a qualified counselor to help you develop a self care plan and an exit plan if needed.

Self Care Challenge

Write out your ideal work story and home situation and how you would feel in each, and the work you’d be doing. Look at both and see if they align. If the two stories are not compatible with each other, it may be a good time to walk away or create clearer boundaries at work.


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If you want more on Values, see Ep 51.


This episode is sponsored by the Household Items Compare and Contrast Unit we created. Using this flexible and functional unit, your students can gain skills in categorizing, describing, and compare & contrast for items they see around their household every day.

Are you contemplating a job change? In this epsiode of the SLP Happy Hour Podcast, you'll answer 5 questions that will help you discover your next step.  #speechtherapy #slpeep